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We, at Jenson USA, love a good podcast nearly as much as we love spending time on our bikes, so it seemed like divine intervention when our own Seth Kendall paired up with Jeff Kendall-Weed to do an "all things bike" podcast. In the Kendall vs. Kendall podcast, Seth and Jeff dive into the bike industry, hot new trends and products, influential riders, and tips for becoming a better rider. Take a listen and get to know these two bike geeks. You can listen to our episodes using the player below or subscribe using the links to your favorite player.
One of the fastest growing bike segments is e-bikes, but it is also one of the more hotly debated subjects amongst cyclist. In this 2-part series, we take a look at the pros and cons of e-bikes and discuss the 2 sides of the debate. With almost no ride time on e-bikes, Seth comes from the nay camp, while Jeff has spent a good amount of time on e-bikes and lands in the yay camp. After laying out the arguments for and against e-bikes, Seth is going to spend some times riding a few e-MTBs at his local trails and will return to mics with Jeff in the follow-up episode to see if his opinions, thoughts, and perceptions have changed or if he is still remains true to his analog ways. Come along for the ride!
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