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Prineville, Oregon (August 31st, 2021) - Proving Grounds is just over a week away from taking the stage at the Oregon Dirt Park and making freeride history. The course will feature a major rehaul of the 2019 layout with new wood and dirt features designed and built by Kyle Jameson and Cam McCaul and the best freeride men and women in the world will be out showing their full potential on this challenging course.
Casey Brown made history in 2019 as the first woman to compete in Proving Grounds right alongside the men; in 2021, she is certainly not alone. "I'm so stoked it's a full category; that's exactly what I was hoping for - we need to build this side of the sport, how do we do that - you just need to put yourself out there and take some risks, and hopefully it pays off, in this case, it totally has," says Casey. The women will compete in their own category alongside the men with an equal share of the $21k prize purse. Casey hopes that by creating space, visibility, and opportunities, it will fuel the future of women's freeride, "there are so many young girls coming up, if we give them the tools that they need it will grow the sport so much on that side; that's what we are trying to do, just hype it up”. Fresh off her self-created Darkhorse progression session, Casey is looking forward to competing alongside (and maybe being beaten!) the women she has inspired along the way.
Tickets are available to see history in the making. The weekend will include two days of competition, with Friday afternoon men and women's Jump Jam (campers only,) Saturday Proving Grounds competition, two nights of camping, music, product demos, food trucks, 10 Barrel Beer Garden and more. Tickets: https://www.strideevents.com/proving-grounds/event-information
Friday 9/10
Saturday 9/11 (Single day tickets will be available)
Proving Grounds is proud to be supported by: Five Ten/Adidas, Jenson USA, 10 Barrel Brewing Co., YT Industries, FOX Racing, Shimano, Poc Sports, Smartwool Sox, Muc-off, Picky Bar, Laird Super Food & MTB Hopper.
@fiveten_official | @jensonusa | @yt_industries | @shimanomtb | @foxmtb | @mtbhoppercom | @industry_nine | @pocsports | @Insta360 | @hydroflask | @peterson.cat | @pickybars | @lairdsuperfood | @10barrelbrewing | @mucoff | @smartwool | @alta_racks | @allmountainstyle | @backyardbend | @oregondirtpark | @flatlinevanco | @liquiddeath | @backyardbend
Website - https://h5events.com/proving-grounds/
Instagram - @provinggroundstour & @h5events
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/provingroundstour
Katie Holden | Media | katie@katieholden.com | 831.600.6188
Chris Worden | Media | ctworden@gmail.com | 208.305.1702
Todd Barber | H5 Events/Proving Grounds | â€tbarber@h5events.com | 530.386.0418
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